The TA project is concerned with the development of educational technologies necessary for this kind of teaching and mechanisms of implementing these technologies with various groups of learners.
The TA project is the biggest from those developed by the company. You can find detailed information on the project website. This is also the best starting point for reading about the Thinking Approach to language teaching and learning.
At present, there are five technologies developed under the Thinking Approach: the Text Technology (motivating texts and films for different age groups and systems of tasks to them), the Creative Grammar Technology (systems of tasks which develop students' awareness and systematic vision of grammar), the Self-Study Technology (techniques and tools for helping one organise his/her learning), the Research Technology (systems of tasks designed to enable students to learn to conduct successful research projects) and the Yes-No Technology (the use of yes-no trainings to help learners acquire various thinking models in the process of language learning). All technologies offer specific mechanisms for the development of both linguistic and thinking potential of learners.